Gita Govinda -Jayadeva 301

Gita Govinda -Shri Jayadeva Gosvami

Act Seven : nägara näräyaëaù

The Dextrous Divinity

Scene Fifteen : Song 15 : Verse 30



Rädhä continued to express her anxious longing in the great distress of separation. When Kṛṣṇa did not come, she concluded that this despon dentfaced messenger-girl (düté) must be to blame. The sakhé told Rädhä, “My dear friend, I called him many times, but he is so merciless that he did not come.” Rädhä replied, “If that two-faced cheater and rogue does not come then what fault is that of yours? Why are you so upset? You have done your duty as a messenger very well.” The messenger replied, “I am upset because I could not bring him. He has numerous beloveds and he is independent. He enjoys whenever and wherever he wants.” Again Rädhä asked, “So what fault is that of yours? Now look here. My heart is forcibly attracted by his qualities. It is being torn apart by the intolerable agony of his absence, so my devastated prana will surely leave and reach him by itself.”

What is the nature of Rädhä’s heart? It is spontaneously attracted by Kṛṣṇa’s qualities. The phrase utkaëöhärti-bharäd implies, “My heart is breaking under the burden of the unfulfilled desire to unite with my beloved. Although I try to check it, it will not stop. It will certainly go to him.”

Alternatively, “Look, sakhi ! It is not possible to attain my beloved’s association at this time because another charming mistress is meeting with him. Nevertheless, my eagerness is increasing at every moment.”


References and Context