Yatharth Geeta -Swami Adgadanand 231

Yatharth Geeta -Swami Adgadanand Ji

Urging The Enemy’s Destruction

ये मे मतमिदं नित्यमनुतिष्ठन्ति मानवा:।
श्रद्धावन्तोऽनसूयन्तो मुच्यन्ते तेऽपि कर्मभि:॥31॥

[ “Unquestioning and devoted men who always act according to this precept of mine are liberated from action.” ]

Freed from illusion and possessed of feelings of adoration and self surrender, men who always act in conformity with Krishn’s precept that “one should fight” are also liberated from all action. This assurance of Yogeshwar Krishn is not for a Hindu, a Muslim or a Christian, but for all of humanity. His doctrine is that one should make war. It may appear from this that this teaching is for warmongers. Fortunately there was the setup of a universal war before Arjun. But, when we are confronted by no such prospect why do we seek resolution in the Geeta or why do we so adamantly insist that the means of liberation from action is available only to fighters of a war? The truth is quite the contrary. The war, of the Geeta is that of the heart-the innermost Self. This is the war between matter and spirit, knowledge and ignorance, Dharmkshetr and Kurukshetr. The more we try to check our thought by meditation, the more the unrighteous impulses emerge as enemies and launch a terrible attack. Vanquishing their demoniacal powers and restraint of thought are at the very centre of this war of the divine song. The one who is rid of illusion and engages in the war with faith, is perfectly liberated from the bondage of action, and of birth and death. But what happens to the one who retreats from this war?


References and Context