Gita Madhurya -Ramsukhdas 155

Gita Madhurya -Swami Ramsukhdas

Chapter XVIII


What are the characteristics of Sattvika abandonment?

O Arjuna, an action enjoined by the scriptures, which is performed as a duty, giving up attachment and fruit, is regarded as Sattvika form of abandonment.(9)

How can it he known that a striver has true renunciation?

The relinquisher relinquishes actions for fruit, also forbidden actions but he neither hates a disagreeable action nor is attached to an agreeable one. He imbued with the quality of goodness, free from doubt, remains established in the self.(10)

Why should a man not get rid of complications by renouncing actions instead of performing them in a detached wavy?

Since it is not possible for an embodied being to renounce actions completely, it is said that he, who renounces the fruit of actions, has truly renounced.(11)


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