Gita Madhurya -Ramsukhdas 156

Gita Madhurya -Swami Ramsukhdas

Chapter XVIII


What are the kinds of the fruit of action, O Lord?

Good, evil and mixed—threefold is the fruit of action e.g., agreeable conditions, disagreeable conditions and a mixture of both respectively hereafter for those who have not renounced the fruit; but there is none for those who have renounced the fruit.

What are the cause in the accomplishment of actions?

O Mighty-armed, in the accomplishment of all actions, five causes have been mentioned in the Sankhya system, know them from Me.(12-13)

Which are those five causes, O Lord?

The body, the agent (the self) (the Jivatma), the various organs, divergent activities of various kinds and destiny—are the five causes. Whatever action a man performs with his body, speech or mind, be it right or wrong—these five are its causes.(14-15)


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