The Gita according to Gandhi 143

The Gita according to Gandhi -Mahadev Desai

The Four Varnas and Svadharma

Each requirement was assigned to be fulfilled by a class possessing the particular gifts necessary for its fulfillment. The evident inequality of individual attainments was recognized, but the possession of gifts added to one's responsibility rather than improved one's rank. Thus to possess naught was. one of the characteristics of a Brahmana whose wealth was that of spirituality and self-denial, while the production of wealth for the community was necessary for a Vaishya, to provide body labour was the privilege of a Shudra. (iii) Purity or virtue was the monopoly of none. Salvation was through the proper selfless performance of one's task.

The Bhagawata Purana describes1 what have been rather loosely described as functions (karmani) in the Gita as the natural characteristics — (prakritayah) of the various classes and then says, the ethical rule of life is the same for all, viz. in- offensiveness, truth, non-thieving, freedom from wrath and greed, desire to do good to mankind.


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