Brahma Vaivarta Purana Chapter 21:11-20

Brahma Vaivarta Purana

Çryäga-bi Indra-haïjana

Breaking the Indra-yajïa

Chapter 21: Verse 11-20



11. . . . Çaubhari, Vamadeva, Yajïavalkya, Panini, Åñyaçånga, Gauramukha, Bharadvaja, Vamana, . . .

12. . . . Kåñëa-dvaipayana, Çåìgé, Sumantu, Jaimini, Kaöha, Paraçara, Maitreya, Vaiçampayana, . . .

13. . . . as well as many brähmaëas, sannyäsis, poets, kñatriyas, vaiçyas, and çüdras came to that festive ceremony.

14.Seeing the great sages, brähmaëas, and kings, Nanda rose from his golden throne, and the people of Vraja also rose.

15.Nanda bowed before the great sages, brähmaëas, and kings, gave them comfortable sitting places, and, with their permission, happily sat down himself.

16.Then Nanda respectfully asked a hundred expert brähmaëa cooks to begin cooking under the tent.

17.In that place jewel lamps shone always and everywhere, a blinding cloud of incense smoke scented every place, . . .

18.. . . there were many flowers and flower garlands, many beautiful and unprecedented offerings of food, . . .

19. . . thousands of sesame laòòus, òallakas, svastikas, bhallakas, jars of sugar, . . .

20.. . . many jars of delicious barley-wheat laòòus the brähmaëas fried in ghee, . . .



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