Bhagavad Gita -Sivananda 77

Bhagavad Gita -Swami Sivananda

Chapter-2 : SANKHYA YOGA

Summary of Second Discourse


 Yaanishaa sarvabhootaanaam tasyaam jaagarti samyamee;
Yasyaam jaagrati bhootaani saa nishaa pashyato muneh.

69. That which is night to all beings, then the self-controlled man is awake; when all beings
are awake, that is night for the sage who sees.


The sage lives in the Self; this is day to him. He is unconscious of
worldly phenomena; this is like night to him. The ordinary man is unconscious of his real nature. So
life in the Self is like night to him. He experiences sense-objects; this is day to him.


References and Context