Gita Rahasya -Tilak 785

Srimad Bhagavadgita-Rahasya OR Karma-Yoga-Sastra -Bal Gangadhar Tilak


शुचौ देशे प्रतिष्ठाप्य स्थिरमासनमात्मन: ।
नात्युच्छ्रितं नातिनीचं चैलाजिनकुशोत्तरम् ॥11॥
तत्रैकाग्रं मन: कृत्वा यतचित्तेन्द्रियक्रिय: ।
उपविश्यासने युञ्ज्याद्योगमात्मविशुद्धये ॥12॥
समं कायशिरोग्रीवं धारयन्नचलं स्थिर: ।
संप्रेक्ष्य नासिकाग्रं स्वं दिशश्चानवलोकयन् ॥13॥

Translation:-(11) Having unchangeably fixed one's 'asana'[1] on dried grass, covered by a deer-skin, over which too has been placed a piece of cloth, neither too high nor too low, in a pure place,
(12) and controlling in that place the activities of the[2] Mental Vision[3] and of the senses, and concentrating the Mind, one should practice Yoga, sitting on that seat, for self- purification

(13) Becoming steady, holding the kaya (that is, the back), the head, and the neck fixedly in a vertical straight line, not looking towards the cardinal directions (that is, around oneself), and fixing the, gaze on the tip of one's nose,


References And Context

  1. that is, place of sitting — Trans.
  2. See, Apte, Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary, 1924, p. 435 — Trans.
  3. i. e., citta — Trans.

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