Srimad Bhagvata Mahapurana Book 9 Chapter 22:18-32

Book 9: Chapter 22

Srimad Bhagvata Mahapurana: Book 9: Chapter 22: Verses 18-32
The genealogy of the Pancalas, the Kurus and the kings of Magadha

When the lunar dynasty gets extinct in Kaliyuga, he will revive it at the dawn of (the following) Satyayuga. From (the loins of) Bahlika (Santanu's younger brother) appeared Somadutta, from whom followed Bhuri, Bhurisrava and Sala. Santanu's son by (the goddess presiding over the holy) Ganga (who under a curse from Brahma got a human form and chose Santanu for her husband) was Bhisma, a man of (perfect) self-control, the foremost among those who knew what is right, a great devotee of the Lord (and) spiritually enlightened (too). He was a (recognized) leader of troops of heroes, by whom even Parasurama (his own Guru and a world-renowned warrior) was pleased in battle. From (the loins of) Santanu through (his other wife) Satyavati (the foster-daughter of a chief t of Dasas or ferrymen) appeared a son (named) Citrarigada, and (also) a younger son, Vicitravirya (by name). Citrarigada was killed in battle, (while he was still unmarried, by a Gandharva of the same name). Through the same Satyavati (before she was married to Santanu) appeared, from the loins of Parasara, a ray of Sri Hari Himself in the person of the sage Krsna (better known as Krsna-Dwaipayana), by whom the Vedas have been (duly) preserved (by being divided into four books viz., Rk, Yajus, Sama and Atharva) and from whom I learnt this (Srimad Bhagavata Mahapurana, which I am reciting to you). In preference to his own pupils, Paila and others,$ the divine Badarayana taught this supremely esoteric poem (embodying the quintessence of all the Vedas and Itihasas) to me, his son, tranquil (by nature) as I was. Now, Vicitravirya married Ambika and Ambalika, the two daughters of the king of Kasi (the modern Banaras), both of whom were carried away by force from the gathering of princes convened (by their father ) to give them an opportunity to elect their husband. (With his heart strongly attached to them) Vicitravirya was caught in the grip of phthisis and died (very young). Enjoined by the mother (Satyavati), the sage Badarayana begot through the wives of his half-brother (Vicitravirya) Dhrtarastra and Pandu (the former through Ambika and the latter through Ambalika) as well as Vidura (through a maid-servant). [1] A hundred sons were born to Dhrtarastra by (his wife) Gandhari (a princess of Gandhara, the modern Afghanistan), O protector of men Of them Duryodhana was the eldest and there was a Daughter also, Duhsala (by name). Through Kunti, the (elder) wife of Pandu, who was prevented from copulation due to a curse (pronounced by some sage who had been shot dead with an arrow by Pandu while pairing with his wife in the form of a pair of deer), three car-warriors---Yudhisthira and others (viz., Bhima and Arjuna)-- appeared (severally) from the loins of Dharma (the god of piety), Anila (the wind-god) and Indra (the lord of paradise). (And) through (his second wife) Madri appeared Nakula and Sahadeva from (the loins of) Nasatya and Dasra (the two Aswinikumaras). Of these, five sons, (all) your uncles, were born (one of each) through Draupadi. Prativindhya was born of Yudhisthira; Srutasena from Bhimasena, (who was voracious as a wolf) and Srutakirti, from Arjuna. Again, Satanika was the son of Nakula; while Sahadeva's son, O Pariksit, was Srutakarma. Besides (these) there were other sons (too). From (the loins of) Yudhisthira through (his other wife) Pauravi appeared Devaka; from Bhimasena through Hidimba (an ogress) sprang up Ghatotkaca, and from (the selfsame) Bhima through Kali (his third wife) appeared Sarvagata. And through Sahadeva, (his second wife) Vijaya, the daughter of Parvata, bore Suhotra. Nakula begot Niramitra through (his second wife) Karenumati and Arjuna begot Iravan indeed through Ulupi; while through the daughter of the king of Manipura (the modern Manipur in Assam), he begot Babhruvahana, who though sprung from the loins of Arjuna was recognized as the son of his maternal grandfather (inasmuch as the princess of Manipur was given in marriage to Arjuna on the express understanding that the son born of her would be taken in adoption by her father).



  1. The Smrti says:-"He who marries or instals the sacred fire (offering oblations to it thrice everyday) in the presence of (before) an elder brother should be recognized as a Parivetta and the elder brother so ignored should be called a Parivitti.'Satyavati (also known as Matsyagandha or Yojanagandha) was really a daughter of Uparicara Vasu (mentioned in verse 5 above), whose seed was swallowed by a fish and 'Amer* developed into a human foetus, which was cut out of the belly of the fish by the aforesaid ferrymen and presented to their chief, who brought it up as his own child.# For their names vide I. iv. 21-22.

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