Srimad Bhagvata Mahapurana Book 1 Chapter 9:40-49

Book 1: Chapter 9

Srimad Bhagvata Mahapurana: Book 1: Chapter 9: Verses 40-49
Yudhisthira and others call on Bhisma and the latter drops his mortal coil, extolling Sri Krsna

Having had the signal honour of enjoying the sight of His charming gait, graceful movements, winsome smiles and amorous glances (during the famous Rasa dance at Vrndavana), the cowherdesses in their mad ecstasy imitated His plays (when the Lord suddenly disappeared from their midst-vide Discourses XXXII and XXXIII of Book Ten) and attained identity with Him (for the time being). In an assembly crowded with hosts of sages and foremost princes during the Rajasuya[1] sacrifice performed by Yudhisthira Sri Krsna, who attracted the eyes of them all, had the honour of being worshipped first of all before my very eyes. It is He, the Soul of the Universe, who has appeared before me (at this moment). Having shaken off the foolish idea of diversity, I have realized that unbornLord, who though one, is severally enthroned in the heart of all embodied creatures brought forth by Himself, even as the sun, though one, appears as many to every eye.

Suta went on : Having thus merged his soul with all the activities of his mind, speech and the visual sense in Sri Krsna, the universal Soul, Bhisma expired, his breath being dissolved into the atmospheric air. Perceiving that Bhisma had entered into the one indivisible Brahma, all those present there became silent even as birds do at the close of day. Then sounded kettledrums beaten by the gods and human beings; the pious among the princes shouted applause and showers of flowers poured from heaven. Having had the funeral and other rites performed in respect of the deceased, 0 Saunaka (descendant of Bhrgu), Yudhisthira was plunged in sorrow for some time. The sages (who had assembled there) extolled Sri Krsna with great delight, uttering His secret names; and then, with Sri Krsna in their heart, they returned each to his own hermitage. Thereafter Yudhisthira, accompanied by Sri Krsna, returned to Hastinapura and comforted his uncle (Dhrtarastra) as well as his aunt (Gandhari), who was known for her austerity.[2] Then, permitted by his uncle and with the approval of Sri Krsna (the son of Vasudeva), the king ruled over his ancestral kingdom with righteousness.

Thus ends the ninth discourse entitled "Recovery of the throne by Yudhisthira,"

in Book One of the great and glorious Bhagavata-Purana, otherwise

known as the Paramahamsa-Samhita


  1. A sacrifice performed by a universal monarch with co-operation and help of his tributary princes at the time of his coronation as a mark of his undisputed sovereignty.
  2. Out of sympathy for her blind husband Gandhari kept her eyes blindfolded till her death ever since her marriage, an instance of wifely devotion which has no parallel in human history.

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