Srimad Bhagvata Mahapurana Book 12 Chapter 12:58-68

Book 12: Chapter 12

Srimad Bhagvata Mahapurana: Book 12: Chapter 12: Verses 58-68

He who repeats this Purana (to others) everyday with an undivided mind (say,) for three hours or (for that matter even) for a second and (in the same way) he who listens to it repeatedly with reverence purifies his very soul. Listening to it on the twelfth or eleventh day of either fortnight of a lunar month, one enjoys a long life; while he who reads it devoutly while remaining without food is thereby rid of (all) sin. Reading this compilation with a calm and collected mind at Puskara, Mathura or Dwaraka while abstaining from food, one is rid of fear (of rebirth). (Pleased) as a result of chanting this Purana, gods, sages, Siddhas,manes, Manus and kings confer desired boons on the man repeating or listening to it. A Brahmana who reads this Purana attains the same reward which he gets by studying (all the three Vedas,) Rgveda, Yajurveda and Samaveda, viz., streams of honey, streams of ghee and streams of milk (i.e., all kinds of blessings). Having devoutly studied this collection of verses in the form of a Purana, a member of the twice-born classes attains to that highest goal which has as a matter of fact been extolled by the Lord (on many an occasion in the past). Having studied this Purana a Brahmana bids fair to attain true insight (into the truth); a Ksatriya, sovereignty over the (whole) earth with the oceans for its girdle; a Vaisya, the position of Kubera (the lord of treasures); while a Sudra is absolved from (all) sins. Sri Hari, the Ruler of all, who is capable of destroying the (entire) mass of impurities of the Kali age, is not certainly sung elsewhere so frequently. In this work, however, that Lord appearing in all forms stands celebrated at every step through relevant episodes. I bow to that birthless and infinite Lord Visnu, the (true) principle of consciousness, whose own potencies (in the form of Rajas, Sattva and Tamas) are responsible for the appearance, continuance and dissolution of the universe and whose glorification is hardly known (even) to the lords of spheres like Brahma (the birthless creator), Indra and Lord Siva ! Hail to the eternal Lord, the foremost of (all) the gods, whose true nature consists of absolute consciousness' and who has evolved in His own Self-through the instrumentality of His nine potencies (in the shape of Prakrti, Purusa, the Mahat-tattva, Ahankara and the five Tanmatras), strengthened by Himself-an abode (for Himself) in the form of the inanimate and animate creation. I bow to the (celebrated) sage Suka the son of Vyasa, whose mind is (ever) full in (the realization of) his own blissful character and who has thereby abandoned the thought of another (the notion of diversity), nevertheless whose firmness was shaken by the charming stories of the invincible Lord (Visnu) and who graciously dilated upon the Bhagavata-Purana connected with Him, which reveals the (highest) truth, and (as such) out the suffering of all.

Thus ends the twelfth discourse entitled "A Synopsis of (all) the twelve Skandhas," in Book Twelve of the great and glorious Bhagavata-Purana, otherwise known

as the Paramahamsa-Samhita.



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