Srimad Bhagvata Mahapurana Book 10 Chapter 73:25-35

Book 10: Seventy-three (Latter Half)

Srimad Bhagvata Mahapurana: Book 10: Chapter 73: Verses 25-35

He then got Sahadeva, son of Jarasandha, to honour the kings by offering them wearing apparel, ornaments, garlands, sandal-paste and other things worthy of royal use. After they had finished their bath and adorned themselves they were entertained with excellent dishes and other luxuries-such as betel leaves etc.,-worthy of kings. Thus treated with due honour by Bhagavan Sri Krsna and rid of their suffering, the kings shone with their brilliant ear-rings like the planets at the end of the rainy season. The Lord then provided them all with chariots adorned with jewels and gold and drawn by good horses, cheered them with sweet words and sent them away to their respective territories. Thus delivered from their calamity by the high-souled Sri Krsna, the kings left for their capitals, contemplating on the Lord, His virtues and noble deeds. Reaching their kingdoms, they related to their subjects the benevolent doings of the Supreme Person and diligently followed His injunctions in their daily lives.
Pariksit, thus having Jarasandha killed by Bhimasena, and being duly honoured by Jarasandha's son, Sahadeva, Sri Krsna, accompanied by Bhima and Arjuna, departed (for lndraprastha). On reaching the outskirts of the city, the three victorious heroes blew their respective conchs, bringing joy to their friends and sorrow to their enemies.The people of lndraprastha were extremely delighted at heart to hear the sound and concluded at once that Jarasandha had been killed and that King Yudhisthira had well-nigh achieved his object. There Bhimasena, Arjuna and Sri Krsna bowed to King Yudhisthira and related to him all that they had done. Overwhelmed with emotion at the exceptional favour shown to him by Bhagavan Sri Krsna, King Yudhisthira shed tears of joy and could not speak a word.

Thus ends the seventy-third discourse, bearing on the return of Sri Krsna and others (to lndraprastha), in the latter half of Book Ten of the great and glorious Bhagavata- Purana, otherwise known as the Paramahamsa-Samhita.


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