Srimad Bhagavadgita -Ramsukhdas 1703

Srimad Bhagavadgita Sadhaka Sanjivani -Swami Ramsukhdas


Chapter 18

arjuna uvaca
sannyasasya mahabdho tattvamicehami veditum
tyagasya ca hrsikesa prthakkesinisudana[1]

Arjuna said:-
O Mighty-armed, O Inner-controller of all, O Slayer of Kest' I desire to know severally, the true nature of Sannyasa (Sankhyayoga) and of Tyaga (Karmayoga). 1
Sannyasasya mahabdho tattvamicchami veditum tyagasya ca hrsikesa prthakkesinisudana:- While addressing Lord Krsna as 'Mahabaaho', Arjuna means to convey that being omniscient, He is able to explain all the topics. So He should satisfy his curiosity in such a manner, that he may understand the topic easily.
By addressing Him as 'Hrsikesa,' Arjuna means that He is the Lord of senses, and inner-controller, of all beings. So He should explain to him everything in connection with the nature of 'Sannyasa', and 'Tyaga', even if he does not demand.
By using the term 'Kesinisudana' he means, that as He frees His devotees, from all troubles and problems, He should also remove his doubts. Generally, a curiosity is expressed with two purposes, (i) to translate it into practice, (ii) to understand the principle. Those, who want to understand the principle, can become learned by possessing bookish knowledge, and can even write books, but they cannot attain salvation. But those, who after understanding principle, translate it into practice, can attain salvation.[2]



  1. On the basis of what Lord Krsna has answered to Arjunas curiosity, his other curiosities can be guessed. They are as follows (a) Sannyasasya mahabzho tattvamicchami veditum: (1) What is Sannydsa? Freedom from egoistic notion (notion of does-ship), and untaintedness of reason (18/17). (2) What are the characteristics (marks), of a Sannyasi? He should be free from attachment, non-egoistic, full of resolution and zeal, and unaffected by success or failure (18/26). (3) What (spiritual) discipline, should a Sannyast follow? He should be endowed with a pure intellect he should resort to dispassion, dwell in solitude, restrain senses, body, speech and mind and so on (18/51—54 (6) How should he conduct himself? He should perform action, without a sense of doership, and being free from attachment, and aversion (18/23). (5) How does he are beings? He 'sees, the one imperishable Being (God) in all beings, undivided in the divided (18/20). (6) What is its fruit? To enter into the Supreme (18/55). (b) Tysgasya ca hcsikega prthakketintt/dana (i) What is relinquishment? Performance of duty by relinquishing attachment to actions and their fruit (18/6). (ii) What should a relinquisher relinquish i.e., his characteristic? He should relinquish, the fruit of action (18/11). (iii) How should he perform his duty or what discipline should he follow? He should perform his duty, by renouncing attachment and fruit (18/9). (iv) How should he conduct himself? Neither aversion to disagreeable action, nor attachment for agreeable action (18/10 first halt). (v) How should he perform his duty? He should perform it merely, because it should be performed (18/9). (vi) What is its fruit? To get established in God (18/10 2nd half).
  2. Having known the unreal as unreal a man cannot attain the real, so tong as he does not fix 'Realization of the real' as the topmost aim of his life.