Gita Rahasya -Tilak 257

Karma Yoga Sastra -Tilak


Therefore, although the Blessed Lord has said in the Glta. that "'Prakrti is nothing but My Maya" [1], the Gita itself also says that this Prakrti, which has become imbued with or inhabited by the Paramesvara (Gi. 9. 10), is further developed according to the rule "guna gunesu vartante" [2]. From this it will be clear, that when once the appearance of Maya has taken place in the fundamentally qualityless Brahman according to Vivarta-vada, the principle of gunotkarsa (Development of Constituents) has been accepted even by the Gita for explaining this Mayic appearance, that is, this further development of Prakrti. It is not that because you say that the entire visible world is a Mayic appearance, therefore, there cannot be some such rule like gunotkarsa which controls the changes in form which take place in this Appearance. Vedantists do not wish to deny that the further development of this Mayic appearance is bound by rules. All that they say is that these rules are also Mayic, like the funda- mental Prakrti, and that the Paramesvara is the Over-Lord of all these Mayic rules, and is beyond them, and that it is by His power that some sort of permanence or regularity has come into these rules. It is not possible for the qualityful, that is, perishable Prakrti, which is in the form of an Appearance, to lay down rules which are not circumscribed by Time. From the foregoing discussion, my readers will understand the nature and the mutual relationship between the Jiva (personal self) and the Paramesvara (the Absolute Isvara), or according to Vedantic terminology, between Maya (that is, the universe which has been brought into existence by Maya),

the Atman, and the Parabrahman. From the point of view of the philosophy of the Highest Self, all the things in the universe are divided into two classes, namely, 'Names and Forms, and the Eternal Element ' ( nitya-tattva ) clothed in those Names and Forms. Out of these, ' Names and Forms ' are known as the qualityful Maya or Prakrti. But when you eliminate the Names and Forms, the Eternal Element (nitya- dravya) which remains, must be qualityless; because, no quality can exist without the support of a Name and Form. This eternal and imperceptible Element is the Parabrahman ; and- the weak organs of human beings see the qualityful Maya as a growth out of this qualityless Parabrahman.


References And Context

  1. (Gi. 7. 14 ; 4. 6)
  2. (Gi. 3. 28 ; 14. 23)