Bhagavadgita -Radhakrishnan 232

The Bhagavadgita -S. Radhakrishnan

The Nature of the Godlike and the Demoniac Mind

7. pravrttim ca nivrttim ca
jana na vidur asurah
na saucam na 'pi ca ' caro
na satyam tesu vidyate
(7) The demoniac do not know about the way of action or the way of renunciation. Neither purity, nor good conduct, nor truth is found in them

8. asatyam apratistham te
jagad ahur anisKaram
kim anyat kamahaitukam
(8) They say that the world is unreal, without a basis, with-out a Lord, not brought about in regular causal sequence, caused by desire, in short apratistham: without a basis, without a moral basis. This is the view of the materialists. aparasparasambhutam: not brought about in regular sequence. It is interpreted in other ways also. The world presided over by Isvara conforms to a settled order, where things proceed from others according to law and the materialists deny the order in the world and hold that things arise any how They believe that there is no regular succession and that the world is there only for the sake of enjoyment. "This is the view of the Lokayatikas that sexual passion is the sole cause of all living creatures."

9. etam drastic avasabhya
nastatmano 'lpabuddhayah
Srabhavanty ugrakarmanah
ksayãya jagato 'hitdi
(9) Holding fast to this view, these lost souls of feeble under-standing, of cruel deeds, rise up as the enemies of the world for its destruction

10. kamam asritya dusparam
dambhainanamad anvitaanvitah
mohad grhitva 'sadgrahan
travartante 'sucivratah
(10) Giving themselves up to insatiable desire, full of hypocrisy, excessive pride and arrogance, holding wrong views through delusion, they act with impure resolves ,
Cp. Brhaspati Sutra, which declares that kama is the supreme end of man.[1]

11. cintam apanmeyam ca
pralayantam upasritah
etavad tii niscitah
(11) Obsessed with innumerable cares which would end only with (their) death, looking upon the gratification of desires as their highest aim, assured that this is all.
This is the materialist doctrine which asks us to eat, drink and be merry, for death is certain and there is nothing beyond?[2]

12. asapasasatair baddhah
ihane keimabhogarthant
anyayena 'rthasaAcayãn
(12) Bound by hundreds of ties of desire, given over to lust and anger, they strive to amass hoards of wealth, by unjust means, for the gratification of their desires

13. idam adya maya labdham
imam prcipsye manoratham
idam asti 'dam api me
bhavisyati punar dhanam
(13) `This today has been gained by me: this desire I shall attain, this is mine and this wealth also shall be mine (in future).

14. asau maya hatah satrur
hanisye ca ' paran api
isvaro 'ham aham bhogi
siddho 'ham balavan sukhi
(14) "This foe is slain by me and others also I shall slay I am the lord, I am the enjoyer, I am successful, mighty and happy. This is the greatest sin of all, the sin of Lucifer, the claim to be oneself the god-head. The temptation to achieve power and exercise sovereignty has been widespread The disposition to dominate others has made man a slave. The divine souls reject the temptation as Jesus did in the wilderness. But the demoniac souls accept these ends and exalt pride, self-conceit, cupidity, hatred, brutality as virtues.


References and Context

  1. karma evaikah purugarthah.
  2. Cp. yavad jivet sukham jivet, mam krtva ghrtarn pibet bhasmbhasmibhutasya dehasya punar agamanam hutah.