Bhagavadgita -Radhakrishnan 141

The Bhagavadgita -S. Radhakrishnan

The Way of Knowledge

In Praise of Wisdom
35. yajjnatavavac na lunar mohair
evam yãsyasi panda yenta bhatemy assent
d draksyasy ãtmany path mayi

(35) When thou bast known it, thou shalt not fall again into this confusion, 0 Panda (Arjuna), for by this thou shalt see all existences without exception in the Self, then in Me.When the sense of difference is destroyed actions do not bind, since ignorance is the source of bondage and the self, having attained wisdom, is free from it.

36 apt ced asi papebhyah
sarvebhya1i papakyttamah
sarvam jndnaplavenai
'va vrjinam samtarisyasi
(36) Even if thou shouldst be the most sinful of all sinners, thou shalt cross over all evil by the boat of wisdom alone.

37. yathaa 'dhamsi samiddho
'gnir bhasmasat kurute 'rjuna
jnanagnih sarvakarman
bhaamasat brute tathä
(37) As the fire which is kindled turns its fuel to ashes, 0 Arjuna, even so does the fire of wisdom turn to ashes all work.

38 na hi ananant sadygarh
paviram ha vibrate
tat svayam yogasanzsiddha
kalrna 'tmant vindati
(38) There is nothing on earth equal in purity to wisdom He who becomes perfected by yoga finds this of himself, in his self in course of time Self-control discovers it to man at last. Faith is Necessary for Wisdom

39 raddhavantl labiate jnanam
tatparah samyatendriyah
svayam labdhvd param gantim
acirena 'dhigacchati
39) He who has faith, who is absorbed in it (i.e. wisdom) and who has subdued his senses gains wisdom and having gained wisdom he attains quickly the supreme peace. sraddha: faith. Faith is necessary for gaining wisdom. Faith is not blind belief. It is the aspiration of the soul to gain wisdom ft is the reflection in the empirical self of the wisdom that dwells in the deepest levels of our being. It faith is constant, it takes us to the realization of wisdom. Jnana as wisdom is free from doubts while intellectual knowledge where we depend on sense data and logical inference, doubt and scepticism have their place. Wisdom is not acquired by these means. We have to live it inwardly and grow into its reality. The way to it is through faith and self-control.
param santim: the supreme peace. Nilakantha suggests that he attains the supreme state of bliss, after the karma which has commenced to operate completes its course.[1]


References and Context

  1. videhakaivalyam . , . prarabdhakarmasamopeau satyam.