Bhagavad Gita -Madhvacharya 215

Bhagavad Gita -Sri Madhvacharya

(Bhashya and Tatparya Nirnaya)


Chapter 8
Aksharabrahma Yoga

18 – 19 – 20. At the beginning of the day all the manifest things came and with the beginning of the night they return again as the unmanifest. The multitude of beings come again and again in existence, 0 Partha, cease at the approach of the night and streaming again at the coming of the day. Beyond this, verily, there exists another un-manifest which is the Eternal un-manifest, which even after the destruction of all the beings does not perish.
Bhashya :- “Till the end of many ages, it is night and day for Sri Vishnu. When the night falls everything gets merged and when the day dawns all comes to be created” thus in Maha Kurma Puraana. Further, by such special reference - “He who is in all the creatures...”.
“Till the end of many ages, it is night and day for Sri Vishnu. When the night falls everything gets merged and when the day dawns all comes to be created” thus in Maha Kurma Puraana. Further, by such special reference - “He who is in all the creatures...”.
21. This un-manifest and the imperishable One, they refer to' as the Supreme Goal, attaining which no one returns. That is My Supreme Abode.
Bhashya :- The unmanifest is the supreme Lord, यं प्राप्य न निवर्तन्ते, मामुपेत्य - by such statements‟ and अव्यक्तं परमं विष्णूम् with such usage in Garuda Purana. धाम is abode, one‟s form. Having explained thus तेज: स्वरूपं च गृहं प्राज्ञैधाम - these are the meanings understood by the wise for धाम, - abode.

