Talks on the Gita -Vinoba 27

Chapter 4
14. Karma Needs Vikarma to Complement It

3. In the term ‘desireless action’, the adjective ‘desireless’ is more important than the word ‘action’, just as in the phrase ‘non-violent noncooperation’,the adjective ‘non-violent’ is more important than the word ‘non-cooperation’. Non-cooperation without non-violence could be a terrible thing. In the same way, it could be dangerous if performance of swadharma is not complemented with vikarma of the mind.

Those engaged in social service today are certainly pursuing their swadharma. When people are poor and destitute, it is a natural duty to serve them and make them happy. But all social workers cannot, therefore, be called karmayogis. Social service without pure motives in the heart of the workers could have disastrous results. Such a social service can generate in equal measure the vanity, hatred, envy and selfishness that we generate when we serve our families exclusively. This is clearly evident in the world of social work today.


References and Context