Talks on the Gita -Vinoba 215

Chapter 17
100. The Name Of The Lord Effaces Sins

27. If I am asked to choose between a virtuous, but egotistic life on the one hand and a sinful, but humble life on the other, I may falter in giving an unequivocal answer, but my heart would certainly exclaim, ‘Let me have the sin which turns me towards the Lord!’

28. If a virtuous life is going to make me forget Him, then let me rather have a sinful life that makes me think of Him. It is not that I am justifying a sinful life. But vanity about the purity of life is a greater sin. Tukaram has said, बहुभितों जाणपणा। आड न यो नारायणा।’ (‘Oh Lord! I am afraid of being learned; let it not separate me from You.’) Let us not have such greatness. It is better to be a sinner and grieve. ‘जाणतें लेंकरूं। माता लागे दूर धरूं।’ (‘A mother weans away from her a child who has grown up.’) But she would hold to her bosom her innocent child. I do not want to be virtuous and independent; rather let me be a sinner dependent on the Lord. His holiness is more than enough to wash off my sins. We should try to avoid sins; if we fail in our efforts, our heart will cry out for His help. He is always there, watching fondly. Tell Him, ‘I am a sinner and that is why I have come to your door.’ A virtuous man has the right to think of the Lord and seek refuge in Him because he is virtuous; a sinner has the right to do so because he is a sinner[1].


References and Context

  1. 12.6.32