Talks on the Gita -Vinoba 186

Chapter 15
86. The Mark Of Jnana: Seeing The Purusha Everywhere

20. When supreme bhakti is infused into life, the karma that follows is not different from bhakti and jnana. Karma, bhakti and jnana together make a single beautiful form. And wonderful service, saturated with love and knowledge, springs from it naturally. If I love my mother, my love should express itself in my actions. True love always toils for the loved ones. It expresses itself in service. Service is the outer, visible form of love. Love adorns itself with innumerable acts of service. Where there is love, knowledge inevitably follows it. When I am to serve somebody, I must know what kind of service would please him; otherwise the service could prove to be disservice.

Love must therefore have knowledge of those whom it serves. Knowledge is needed to spread the grandeur of love through actions. But love has to be there primarily. Without it, knowledge would be of little use. An action done out of love is quite different from an ordinary action. When the son comes home tired from the field, the old mother looks at him with affection and concern and speaks a few comforting words, “My child, you really are tired; aren’t you?” These few words have tremendous effect. Pour knowledge and devotion into all the actions in life. This is what Purushottamyoga means.


References and Context