Talks on the Gita -Vinoba 154

Chapter 13
Distinction between The Self And The Not-Self
73. Progressive Realisation Of The Supreme Self

26. At first, the Lord was standing at a distance. The teacher asks the pupil to solve a problem and then stands at a distance and watches. Likewise, the Lord lets the jiva grapple with the problems when it is immersed in the life of selfindulgence.

The jiva thereafter ascends to the moral plane. Now the Lord can no longer remain neutral. Finding the jiva doing good deeds, He approves them and compliments the jiva. When the good deeds cleanse the mind of gross impurities and time comes for the removal of subtle impurities, human efforts prove to be inadequate. Then we beseech the Lord and He responds. He rushes to help us. Whenever the bhakta begins to lose heart, He is there ready to help. The sun is ever waiting at your door. But it would not forcibly open the door and barge into the room. It would not even knock on the door. Its job is to serve and it behaves accordingly. But the moment you begin to open the door, it will come in with all its rays and dispel darkness. The Lord acts likewise. The moment you call Him for help, He will rush to you with His arms outstretched. Tukaram has said, ‘उभारूनि बाहे। विठो पालवीत आहे॥’ (‘With outstretched hands, the Lord Pandurang is calling you.’) If the nostrils are open, air is bound to come in. If the door is open, light is bound to come in. But I find even these examples unsatisfactory. The Lord is nearer to us, He is more eager to come in. So He does not remain content in being a Witness or a Permitter, He becomes a Supporter—one who helps and supports wholeheartedly. When we find ourselves unable to purify the mind completely, we make impassioned pleas, we cry helplessly, ‘मारी नाड तमारे हाथे हरि संभाळजो रे ’, (‘I am wholly in your hands; O Lord, take care of me.’), we pray, ‘तु ही एक नेरा मददगार है, तेरा आसरा मुझको दरकार है’ (‘You are the only one to help me. I need Your support’). Will the Lord, who is all compassion, then stand aloof? He will rush to help His devotees, to provide whatever they lack. It is out of such compassion that He helped Rohidas in tanning leather, Sajan the butcher in selling meat, Kabir in weaving cloth, Janabai in grinding corn.


References and Context