Talks on the Gita -Vinoba 131

Chapter 12
61. Saguna Is Easy And Safe

12. Some may say, “You are giving a narrow meaning to th e word ‘knowledge’ (Jnana). To hold that knowledge cannot cleanse the mind completely is to undervalue it.” This objection is certainly valid. But my point is that it is hard to attain pure knowledge while living in the mortal body. The knowledge that we can have while we are encased in this body is bound to be somewhat imperfect and incomplete; its power is bound to be limited. Pure knowledge will undoubtedly burn to ashes all the impurities in the mind; and along with it, it will burn down the mind itself. But when associated with the weak flesh, its power proves to be inadequate. It cannot therefore wash away subtle impurities. One has to take recourse to bhakti for this purpose.

A man is therefore more secure in bhakti. This is my personal assessment. Saguna bhakti is easier, as there is reliance on the Lord whereas in nirguna bhakti there is self-reliance. But, after all, what does ‘self’ in ‘self-reliance’ mean? It means reliance on the Lord that dwells within us. You cannot find anybody purified solely through reason. Through Self-reliance, that is, through knowledge of the Self within, we shall have pure knowledge. Thus, even in nirguna bhakti, reliance is on the Self.


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