Srimad Bhagvata Mahapurana Book 6 Chapter 18:64-78

Book 6: Chapter 18

Srimad Bhagvata Mahapurana: Book 6: Chapter 18: Verses 64-78
An account of the birth of the Maruts (the forty-nine wind-gods)

"Do not be afraid; you are (all) brothers to me !"-so did Kausika (Indra) reply to the (aforesaid seven) groups of the Maruts, his (future) attendants exclusively attached to him. By the grace of Lord Visnu (the Abode of Goddess Sri, the deity presiding over beauty and prosperity), the embryo in the womb of Diti could not be killed, though cut into numerous (forty-nine) pieces by the thunderbolt (of Indra), any more than you (O Pariksit) were killed by the missile discharged by Aswatthama (the son of Drona). Worshipping Lord Visnu (the most ancient Person) only once, a man attains a status similar to the Lord's; whereas (in the present case) Sri Hari was worshipped by Diti for a little lessthan a year (so that the miracle that happened in the aforesaid case should cause no wonder at all). (Taken) together with Indra (their friend and leader), these Maruts (wind-gods) came to be (known as) fifty gods. The stigma (of demonhood) attaching to them because of their mother was wiped off and they were converted into gods (entitled to a draught of nectar) by Indra. On waking up, the worshipful Diti, who (having now worshipped Sri Hari for close upon a year) had acquired a disposition absolutely free from reproach, saw the babes, brilliant as fire accompanied by Indra, and felt highly gratified. Then she said to Indra, "Dear son I desirous of obtaining a son that might prove a source of terror to the sons of Aditi (you and your brothers), I observed this vow, which is most difficult to undertake. But, while (only) one son was coveted (by me), how did these forty-nine babes come to be born? Tell me the truth, if known to you; but don't utter a falsehood."

Indra replied : Mother, having come to know of your vow, I sought your presence and, having discovered your fault, cut the child in your womb, bent as I was on achieving my (selfish) end and lost to all sense of righteousness. The embryo was cut by me in seven and there appeared seven children. They too were cut each in seven; yet they would not die. Seeing that great miracle, I at last concluded that it must be some incidental reward of the worship of Lord Visnu (the Supreme Person). They alone are declared as clever in accomplishing their object, who while engaged in propitiating the Lord are (entirely) free from desires and do not aspire even to attain final beatitude (as a reward for their worship). Having propitiated the Lord, the ruler of the universe, who is not only the Self of us all but who bestows His very Self on His devotees, what wise man would ask of Him the pleasures of sense, which could be had even in hell ? Therefore, may you be pleased toforgive, O mother, this act of wickedness on my part, foolish as I am, O highly noble lady !Thank God the child in your womb has risen to life (as it were) after death. Sri Suka went on : Permitted by Diti, who was pleased with his sincerity, the powerful Indra bowed to her and left for the third heaven along with the Maruts (wind-gods). In this way I have told you all that you enquired of me, viz., the story of the auspicious birth of the Maruts. What more shall I speak to you about ?

Thus ends the eighteenth discourse entitled An account of the birth of the Maruts; in Book Six of the great and glorious Bhagavata-Purana,otherwise known as the Paramahamsa-Samhita.


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