Srimad Bhagvata Mahapurana Book 5 Chapter 26:27-33

Book 5: Chapter 26

Srimad Bhagvata Mahapurana: Book 5: Chapter 26: Verses 27-33
A description of the infernal regions

Again, seven hundred and twenty hounds with adamantine teeth, which are no other than the messengers of Yama (representing the three hundred and sixty days and the same number of nights constituting a year), indeed veraciously munch in the other world in (the hell called) Sarameyadana, those robbers, kings or soldiers of a king's army who, resorting to arson and poisoning actually loot here villages and companies of merchants travelling together. He, again, who actually tells a lie here while giving evidence (in a law-suit), in bartering (buying and selling) goods or while making a gift, on any account whatsoever, is hurled headlong after death from a (steep) mountain-top, a hundred Yojanas high, in the hell called Avicimat, where there is no support to stand upon (because of the steep nature of the mountain) and where land with a rocky surface appears like water; hence the name 'Avicimat' (having no water[1] ). There the man does not die even though his body continues to be shattered to minute particles, and falls down the moment he is lifted up (to the mountain-top) again. Again, if a Brahmana (a member of the priestly class) or his wife or (for that matter) anyone observing a sacred vow actually drinks wine here due to perversity or if a Ksatriya (one belonging to the ruling or warrior class) or Vaisya (one belonging to the trading and agricultural classes) drinks the extract of the Soma plant, the servants of Yama pour iron melted with fire into their mouth when they are taken (after death) to the infernal region (called Ayahpana), pressing their bosom with their foot.

And further he, for one who, (though) himself belonging to the lowest strata of society, indeed refuses through self-esteem to respect here his superiors in pedigree, austerity, learning, pious conduct, Varna (grade in society) and Asrama (stage in life) is as good as dead (through actually living) and indeed suffers in terminable tortures when thrown, head foremost, after death into the hell called Ksarakardama. As regards men who propitiate Goddess Bhadrakali, the god Bhairava and other deities here by actually sacrificing human beings to them and women who eat (the meat of) such human victims, the men (thus) slaughtered like beasts are reborn as torturing agents in the form of troops of Raksasas in the abode of Yama (in the hell known as Raksoganabhojana) and, cutting up those men and women into slices with their sword like butchers, drink their hot blood and dance and sing in (great) merriment even as those (very) men and women who ate (the meat of) their human victims did here. Again, they who actually torture here (either) in the woods or in their village (itself) innocent creatures, anxious to survive-inspiring them with confidence by allurement (of various kind) when they have come near; and treating them as playthings when they have been transfixed with an iron pin or tied with a thread-recoilect their sin when their bodies too are transfixed with stakes etc., in the course of tortures inflicted by Yama (in the hell called Sulaprota) on their death, and they are further tormented with hunger and thirst and are assailed on every side at every step by buzzards, quails and other birds with pointed bills.Again, those men who, fierce by nature like serpents, actually molest (other) living beings here, themselves fall after their death into the hell called Dandasuka, where, O king (Pariksit), serpents with five and even seven heads approach and devour them as they would devour rats.



  1. A sheet of water with a ruffled surface is called 'Vicimat' (having waves or ripples). Therefore,' Avicimat' means a place where there is no such sheet of water actually present but which only appears to have such a sheet of water.

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