Srimad Bhagvata Mahapurana Book 3 Chapter 21:45-56

Book 3: Chapter 21

Srimad Bhagvata Mahapurana: Book 3: Chapter 21: Verses 45-56
The sage Kardama practises austere penance and the Lord confers a boon on him

Entering that most sacred spot with his daughter (Devahuti) and going near the sage, the first monarch (Swayambhuva Manu) saw him sitting there (in his hermitage), having propitiated the sacred fire (by pouring oblations into it). He shone most brilliant with his body, which, though engaged in austere penance for a long time, was not much emaciated because the Lord had cast His affectionate glance at him and he had also quaffed with his ears the nectar flowing from the moon-like words of the Lord. The sage was of high stature, had eyes big as the petals of a lotus, wore matted locks (on his head), was clad in rags and looked untidy like an unpolished gem. Seeing the monarch come to his hermitage and bowing before him the sage greeted him (with benedictions) and received him with due honour. When the king had sat down calm and collected after receiving the sage's attentions, the latter, who recalled the instructions of the Lord, spoke to him (as follows), delighting him with his soft accents : "The tour undertaken by you, O lord, is surely intended to protect the virtuous and kill the wicked, embodying as you do the protecting energy of Sri Hari. it is you who assume the forms of the sun-god, the moon-god, the god of fire, Indra (the lord of paradise), the wind-god, Varna (the god of punishment), Dharma (the god of piety) and Varuna (the god presiding over the waters), as and when necessary. Hail to you, who are no other than Lord Visnu, If you do not go about (the world), like the sun, in your bejewelled chariot-that ever leads you to victory-twanging your fierce bow, inspiring terrorin the heart of the wicked by (the presence of) your very chariot, taking a huge army (behind you) and shaking the terrestrial globe by the tread of your hosts, all the moral laws governing the various Varnas (grades of society) and Asramas (stages in life) and made by the Lord Himself, O king, will be broken that very moment by impious men, which will be a deplorable state of things. Nay, unrighteousness will flourish on account of grasping and unruly men. if you give up all thought of the world, it will fall into the clutches of impious men and perish. Nevertheless I ask you, 0 valiant king, the purpose for which you have come here; with a glad heart we shall meet your wishes.

Thus ends the twenty-first discourse in Book Three of the great and glorious Bhagavata-Purana, otherwise known as the Paramahamsa-Samhita.


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