Srimad Bhagvata Mahapurana Book 1 Chapter 18:43-50

Book 1: Chapter 18

Srimad Bhagvata Mahapurana: Book 1: Chapter 18: Verses 43-50
The youthful sage Srngi utters an imprecation against king Pariksit

When Lord Visnu (who wields a discus in one of his hands), appearing under the name of 'king', is screened from our view, dear child, thieves will crop forth in large numbers and the world, which will be unprotected then, will perish like a flock of sheep in a moment. When the ruler is dead, thieves will rob the people of their property and the evil that befalls them in this way will now fall on our head (since we shall be held responsible for the ruler's death, the cause of all this anarchy and lawlessness), even though we have no direct connection with it; nay, when people take to robbery in large numbers, they belabour and abuse one another and snatch one another's cattle, womenfolk and wealth. In such conditions the noble religion of the people, which derives its authority from the Vedas and is characterized by a course of conduct laid down for the different grades of society and stages of life, disappears, thence follows a confusion of castes among men whose hearts are given up to wealth and sense-gratification, as among dogs and monkeys. Emperor Pariksit, moreover, is a monarch of wide renown and a defender of righteousness; nay, he is a great devotee of the Lord and a royal sage who has performed a number of horse-sacrifices. Again, he was overcome with hunger, thirst and fatigue and absolutely helpless; hence he did not deserve our curse. May the almighty- Lord, who is the Soul of the universe, forgive the wrong perpetrated by this child of immature understanding against His innocent servant. Even when reproached, deceived, abused, disregarded or struck by others, devotees of the Lord never return the wrong done by the wrong-doer, though capable of doing so." Thus grieved at the wrong done by his son, the great sage (Samika) did not even think of the offence committed by the king, who had treated him withdisrespect., Generally speaking, holy men in this world neither grieve nor rejoice when they are subjected to contrary experiences by others; for the soul is ever beyond the three Gunas.

Thus ends the eighteenth discourse entitled 'The Brahman's Curse", in Book One of the great and glorious Bhagavata-Purana otherwise known as the Paramahamsa-Samhita.


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