Srimad Bhagvata Mahapurana Book 10 Chapter 90:13-20

Book 10: Ninety (Latter Half)

Srimad Bhagvata Mahapurana: Book 10: Chapter 90: Verses 13-20

(Pariksit!) that is how the Lord used to carry on His sports. His (charming) gait, (sweet) words, (endearing) glances, (enchanting) smiles, (enlivening) jests and jokes and (loving) embraces captivated the heart of His consorts. Bhagavan Sri Krsna was the be-all and end-all of their lives, the sole possessor of their heart. Absorbed in the thought of their lotus-eyed Lord, they would remain speechless for a while, and would suddenly break out with incoherent talks in the manner of a lunatic. (In the intensity of their love) they would (now and then begin to experience excruciating pain of separation from the Lord even in His presence and) give way delirious talks. I shall reproduce these talks; (please) listen to them. The queens said : 0 she-osprey, we are in the depth of the night now, and the whole world appears to be one big void. The Lord Himself has buried His ever wakeful consciousness (for the time being), and has gone to sleep. But your eyes know no sleep. Why do you wail and lament thus, keeping awake for the whole night ? 0 friend, it seems your heart has been pierced, equally with that of ours, by the (sweet) smiles and gracious and sportive glances of the lotus-eyed Lord. Surely that is the-reason why you do not get sleep.
O red goose, why have you closed your eyes during the night ? Is it because your partner has gone out of sight that you wail so piteously ? If so, we are really sorry for you. Or is it that you are possessed like us with the desire of waiting upon-the Lord, and long to adorn your braid with the garland offered at the feet of the Lord ? O ocean, you constantly roar and thunder. Do you get no sleep at all ? It seems you have developed the disease of insomnia.Or is it that our dear Lord has robbed you of the natural qualities of tranquillity and gravity etc.? That is why, like us, you have developed a disease which is so difficult to get rid of. O moon, you have fallen a victim to the fell disease of consumption. Oh good gracious, you have got so attenuated that you cannot disperse the darkness by your rays. (No, no;) it seems the (sweet confidential) talks of our beloved Lord (Sri Krsna) have escaped out of your memory, as out of ours. That is why you have become mute. O southern wind, what offence have we given you that you send impulses of love into our heart, which is already torn to pieces by the sidelong glances of the Lord ? O cloud, your colour is as lovely and beautiful as that of our beloved Lord. Surely you are very dear to our Lord, the crown-jewel of the race of Yadu. That is why, bound to Him with ties of love, you are absorbed in His thought like us. With a heart full of anxiety you always pine for Him like us and recollecting Him again and again shed profuse tears. Oh, the very contact with Him is painful.



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