Srimad Bhagvata Mahapurana Book 10 Chapter 89:58-66

Book 10: Eighty-nine (Latter Half)

Srimad Bhagvata Mahapurana: Book 10: Chapter 89: Verses 58-66

(Pariksit!) Bhagavan Sri Krsna bowed to the infinite Lord, who was but Himself in another form. Arjuna was (somewhat) filled with awe at His sight: (but following Sri Krsna) he too bowed to Him and both of them stood (there) with joined palms. (Now) with a smile on His lips, and in a deep and sonorous voice the Perfect Person, who is the Lord of Brahma and other protectors of the world, said to them. "(0 Sri Krsna, 0 Arjuna) desirous of seeing You both, I had the sons of the Brahmana brought here. You have both appeared on earth with Your part manifestations for the vindication of virtue. Killing the Asuras, who have become a burden to the earth, soon return to Me. You are the sages Nara and Narayana. Though sated in everyway and foremost of all, follow the path of virtue for maintaining the world order by setting an example before men." The said Sri Krsna and Arjuna accepted the mandate of the Supreme Person, bowed to Him and, supremely delighted, returned to Dwaraka with the sons of the Brahmana following the same route by which they had gone there. The sons of the Brahmana had grown up according -to their respective age, but in appearance they were the same as at the time of their birth. Bhagavan Sri Krsna and Arjuna returned them to the Brahmana. Seeing the glorious realms of Bhagavan Visnu, Arjuna felt much astonished. He realized that whatever prowess is possessed by men was due to the grace of Bhagavan Sri Krsna. (Pariksit!) exhibiting these and many other similar feats, Bhagavan Sri Krsna appeared to men as if enjoying worldly pleasures (like ordinary men of the world) and performed sacrifices on the highest scale (like the greatest of kings). Just as indra sends down timely showers, so He showered all boons on the Brahmanas and other subjects, adopting the conduct of an ideal king. He Himself killed many an unrighteous king, and caused many others to be killed by Arjuna and others. In this way He easily re-established the rule of Dharma (throughout the world) with the help of Yudhisthira and other (righteous) kings.

Thus ends the eighty-ninth discourse entitled "The Lord brings back the (dead) sons of a Brahmana", in the latter half of Book Ten of the great and glorious Bhagavata-Purana, otherwise known as the Paramahamsa-Sarmhita.


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