Srimad Bhagvata Mahapurana Book 10 Chapter 85:13-24

Book 10: Eighty-five (Latter Half)

Srimad Bhagvata Mahapurana: Book 10: Chapter 85: Verses 13-24

(O Lord !) the three modes of Prakrti-viz., Sattva, Rajas and Tamas-and what are known as their modifications (the Mahat-Tattva etc.) are, in fact, assumed in You, the transcendent Brahma, through Your wonderful Yogic power. Therefore, these modifications (viz., birth, existence, growth, etc.), do not exist in You. When they are projected on You, (then only) they appear in You, who appear as permeating them. At other times, however, (when they cease to be so projected, e.g., during deep sleep), You remain in Your absolute state (unconnected with these modifications). This universe is but a (continuous) flow of the three Gunas. They who fail to perceive the subtle presence in it of Your absolute state as the All-Soul get entangled in (the meshes of) Karma (due to their identification with the body) and (have to) undergo repeated births and deaths in this world. 0 Lord, providentially I have attained in this land (of Bharatavarsa) the rare gift of a human body, endowed with vigorous senses and organs, and yet under the influence of Your Maya (enchanting power) my life-time has been frittered away in (utter) neglect of the (main) purpose of my existence. (0 Lord !) You have bound the whole of this universe with ties of affection having their roots in self-identification with the body and the feeling of meum with regard to those connected with the body.
(I know) You are no other than the Lords of Prakrti as well as of all individual souls, and not my sons. You have come down for the destruction of the Ksatriyas, who have become a burden to the earth; You Yourself spoke like that in unambiguous terms to me (at the time of Your descent). Therefore, 0 Befriender of the afflicted, I have sought for protection this day Your lotus-feet, which (alone) dispel the fear of transmigration haunting those who have taken shelter with them. I am fed up with this much of craving for sense-enjoyments. It was under the influence of this that I have (so long) identified myself with this mortal body and looked on You, the Supreme, as my child. 0 Lord, in the lying-in-chamber You said that, though unborn, You had, as a matter of fact, been manifesting Yourself through us in different pairs each time for defending Your own laws. Like the sky, You assume diverse forms and cast them off, even though You are one and infinite. Who can know the secret of Your wonderful potency-Yogamaya ? All people extensively sing Your glories. Sri Suka resumed : Hearing these words of His father (Vasudeva), Lord Sri Krsna the crown-jewel of the Yadus) began to smile. Bowing in all humility (to His father), He replied in sweet words as follows. The glorious Lord said : Father! we are your sons; you have in these words expounded the highest philosophical truths to us. We accept as true whatever you have said. Yourself, my venerable brother, Sri Balarama, myself, these citizens of Dwaraka and all others including the mobile and immobile creation should be regarded as Brahma, 0 jewel among the Yadus! (0 father!) the Self is really one, self-effulgent, eternal, identical with the body etc., and unqualified; yet it projects the Gunas out of Itself, and in the bodies of the various creatures evolved out of these Gunas it appears as diversified, perceptible, transient, distinct from the body etc., and qualified.



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