Srimad Bhagvata Mahapurana Book 10 Chapter 80:42-45

Book 10: Eighty (Latter Half)

Srimad Bhagvata Mahapurana: Book 10: Chapter 80: Verses 42-45

O jewels of the twice-born, I am (supremely) pleased (with you); let all your desires be fulfilled, and may all the knowledge of the Vedas, that you have acquired from me, remain ever fresh in your memory. May it never fail you whether here or hereafter." 0 friend, numerous incidents of this type occurred during our life at the preceptor's house. It is by the grace of the preceptor alone that man attains perfection and supreme peace. The Brahmana replied : 0 God of gods, Preceptor of the World, what else remains to be achieved by me? (I have accomplished everything, realized everything) inasmuch as I enjoyed the privilege of staying in the preceptor's house with You, whose resolution is unfailing? 0 Lord, the Vedas which are the repository of the four objects of life, viz., Dharma (virtue), Artha (prosperity), Kama (worldly enjoyments) and Moksa (salvation), constitute Your body. You went to the preceptor's house to study those very Vedas only to imitate the ways of men, as a matter of sport.

Thus ends the eightieth discourse forming part of the Story of Sudama, in the latter half of Book Ten of the great and glorious Bhagavata-Purana, otherwise known as the Paramahamsa-Samhita..


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