Srimad Bhagavad Gita -Ramanujacharya 226

Srimad Bhagavad Gita -Ramanujacharya

Chapter-6 Dhyāna Yogaḥ


“I (Krishna) consider the most integrated to be one, who has the mind, fixed on Me, as the only object worthy of love. Furthermore such a person has realised complete dependence upon Me. Having 'faith,' i.e., striving assiduously to attain Me because of being unable to bear a moment's separation from Me. 'Worshiping Me,' i.e., serves Me with devotion and meditates on Me as the Supreme Being.”

“My divine form is the repository of an inestimable multitude of auspicious, unlimited and unsurpassed attributes such as knowledge, power, lordship, energy, creative potency and splendour. My sacred form is the repository of infinite, unsurpassed attributes agreeable and highly worthy, such as radiance, beauty, fragrance, tenderness, pervading sweetness and youthfulness which are in perfect harmony, inconceivable and divine, wondrous, eternal and flawless. My essential nature and qualities transcend all thought and words. I am the great ocean of compassion, condescension, motherly love and beauty. I am the impartial refuge of all beings without exception and without considerations of any difference. I relieve the distress of supplicants, and I am the great, unfathomable ocean of affection for supplicants. I have manifest Myself to all people without compromising My essential nature. I have incarnated Myself in the house of Vasudeva and have illuminated the whole world with My limitless and excellent glory; and have gratified the entire universe with My impeccable power of beauty.”

hariḥ oṃ tatsat

iti śrīmad bhagavadgītāsupaniṣatsu brahmavidyāyāṃ yogaśāstre śrīkṛṣṇārjuna saṃvāde dhyāna-yogo nāma ṣaṣṭho’dhyāyaḥ

Thus in the Upanishads of the Glorious Bhagavad Gita The science of the Eternal, the Scripture of Yoga The dialogue between Sri Krishna and Arjuna Ends the sixth discourse entitled

“Communion through Meditation”

References and Context