Radha’s Prem -Sivanand 3

Radha’s Prem -Swami Sivananda



The drama that is now presented before you purports to bring out clearly the sublimity of the Path of Devotion to the Lord and also the essential unity underlying the three main-Paths. Truth is one; sages call it variously. By whichever route you ascend, you reach the same peak. This truth is brought out in the five scenes of this drama. Jnana Dev, a votary of the Yoga of Synthesis, is the principal character. To him is allotted the task of propounding the great ideas lying hidden under the surface of apparently commonplace-acts of the Divine Avatars. The Leelas of Krishna who incarnated on this earth to bring home to humanity the greatness of Bhakti Yoga and who through his actions, taught humanity for all time the technique of devotion, are taken up by Jnana Dev and analysed. In the first two scenes, Prem Das’s doubts and difficulties regarding the Leelas are cleared. Murkharaj, a man steeped in worldliness, plays a leading role in the next two scenes. Jnana Dev, by his scholarly expositions and practical illustrations is able to convert him into a Bhakta. In the last scene Atmanandaji, another Bhakti-Yogi, joins hands with Jnana Dev and in the end Murkharaj becomes a completely changed man, as it were, and even undertakes to preach the Yoga of Synthesis to the world at large.

Scene 1

The one seemingly paradoxical feature in Sri Krishna’s Avatara which has heckled the innocent and semi-wise Bhakta and which has provided formidable and poisonous ammunition to the crooked disbeliever in devotion for use against such a Bhakta, has been Sri Krishna’s Rasa Leela with the Gopis. The first scene brings out clearly the most appropriate answer to the quixotic questions of this type of perverted intellect which cannot conceive of human relationship between man and woman other than through the medium of the flesh, the nobler spiritual love which permeated—nay was part and parcel of the Gopis. The Adwaitic Bhav of Para Bhakti is vividly put before you by Sri Jnana Dev.


References and Context

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Radha’s Prem -Swami Sivananda

SR. NO. Scene Page No.
Introduction 1
1. Scene 1 6
2. Scene 2 12
3. Scene 3 21
4. Scene 4 37
5. Scene 5 45