Mahabharata Drona Parva Chapter 155:2

Mahabharata Drona Parva (Ghatotkacha-badha Parva) Chapter 155:2

If thou fliest away from battle, then mayst thou have safety." Having thus addressed each other, with eyes red in wrath, those foremost of men began to shoot their shafts at each other. Then with a thousand cars and ten thousand horses, Duryodhana took his station, encompassing Somadatta. Sakuni also, filled with rage, and armed with every weapon and surrounded by his sons and grandsons as also by his brothers, that were equal to Indra himself in prowess (did the same).

Thy brother-in-law, O king, young in years and of body hard as the thunder-bolt and possessed of wisdom, had a hundred thousand horses of the foremost valour with him. With these he encompassed the mighty bowman Somadatta. Protected by those mighty warriors, Somadatta covered Satyaki (with clouds of shafts). Beholding Satyaki thus covered with clouds of straight shafts, Dhrishtadyumna proceeded towards him in rage and accompanied by a mighty force. Then, O king, the sound that arose there of those two large hosts striking each other, resembled that of many oceans lashed into fury by frightful hurricanes. Then Somadatta pierced Satyaki, with nine arrows. Satyaki, in return, struck that foremost of Kuru warriors with nine arrows. Deeply pierced in that battle by the mighty and firm bowman (Satyaki), Somadatta sat down on the terrace of his car and lost his senses in a swoon. Beholding him deprived of his senses, his driver, with great speed, bore away from the battle that great car-warrior, viz., the heroic Somadatta. Seeing that Somadatta, afflicted with Yuyudhana's shafts, had lost his senses Drona rushed with speed, desiring to slay the Yadu hero. Beholding the Preceptor advance, many Pandava warriors headed by Yudhishthira surrounded that illustrious perpetuator of Yadu's race from desire of rescuing him. Then commenced a battle between Drona and the Pandavas, resembling that between Vali and the celestials for acquiring sovereignty of the three worlds.

Then Bharadwaja's son of great energy shrouded the Pandava host with clouds of arrows and pierced Yudhishthira also. And Drona pierced Satyaki with ten arrows, and the son of Prishata with twenty. And he pierced Bhimasena with nine arrows and Nakula with five, and Sahadeva with eight, and Sikhandin with a hundred. And the mighty-armed hero pierced each of the (five) sons of Draupadi with five arrows. And he pierced Virata with eight arrows and Drupada with ten. And he pierced Yudhamanyu with three arrows and Uttamaujas with six in that encounter. And piercing many other combatants, he rushed towards Yudhishthira. The troops of Pandu's son, slaughtered by Drona, ran away in all directions, from fear, O king, with loud wails. Beholding that host slaughtered by Drona, Phalguna, the son of Pritha, with wrath excited a little, quickly proceeded towards the preceptor. Beholding then that Drona was also proceeding towards Arjuna in that battle, that host of Yudhishthira, O king, once more rallied.

