Mahabharata Drona Parva Chapter 118:3

Mahabharata Drona Parva (Jayadratha-Vadha Parva) Chapter 118:3

Sanjaya continued, 'Thus addressed, the charioteer urged to their utmost speed those well-trained coursers of delightful pace and of the hue of the moon. Those excellent animals, endued with the speed of the wind or thought, proceeded, devouring the very skies, and bore Yuyudhana to the spot where those Yavanas were. Thereupon, the Yavanas, many in number and endued with lightness of hands, approaching unretreating Satyaki, covered him with showers of arrows. The rushing Satyaki, however, O king, cut off by means of his own straight arrows, all those shafts and weapons of the Yavanas. Inflamed with wrath, Yuyudhana then, with his straight shafts of great sharpness, winged with gold and vulture's feathers, cut off the heads and arms of those Yavanas. Many of those arrows, again, piercing through their coats of mail, made of iron and brass, entered the earth. Struck by the brave Satyaki in that battle, the Mlecchas began to fall down on the earth in hundreds, deprived of life. With his arrows shot in continuous lines from his bow drawn to its fullest stretch, that hero began to slay five, six, seven, or eight Yavanas at a time.

Thousands of Kamvojas, and Sakas, and Barbaras, were similarly slain by Satyaki. Indeed, the grandson of Sini, causing a great carnage among thy troops, made the earth impassable and miry with flesh and blood. The field of battle was strewn with the head-gears of those robbers and their shaved heads too that looked, in consequence of their long beards, like featherless birds. Indeed, the field of battle covered with headless trunks dyed all over with blood, looked beautiful like the welkin covered with coppery clouds. Slain by Satwata by means of his straight shafts whose touch resembled that of Indra's thunder, the Yavanas covered the surface of the earth. The small remnant of those mail-clad troops vanquished in battle, O king, by Satwata, becoming cheerless, their lives on the point of being taken, broke and urging their steeds with goads and whips to their utmost speed, fled from fear in all directions. Routing the invincible Kamvoja host in battle, O Bharata, as also that host of the Yavanas and that large force of the Sakas, that tiger among men who had penetrated into thy army, viz., Satyaki, of prowess incapable of being baffled, crowned with victory, urged his charioteer, saying, "Proceed!" Beholding that feat of his in battle, never before achieved by any one else, the Charanas and the Gandharvas applauded him highly. Indeed, O king, the Charanas, as also thy warriors, beholding Yuyudhana thus proceeded for aiding Arjuna, became filled with delight (at his heroism).

