Gita Rahasya -Tilak 198

Gita Rahasya -Tilak


I have so far considered what inferences lead one to the- conclusion that the Subtle Body exists, though it might be invisible to the eyes, as also what the component parts of that. Subtle Body are. But it is not enough to merely say that the Subtle Body is formed by the combination of eighteen elements- excluding fundamental Matter and the five gross primordial- elements. There is no doubt that wherever this Subtle Body exists, this combination of eighteen elements will according to its inherent qualities, create gross parts of the body, like hands and feet or gross organs, whether out of the gross bodies of parents, or later on, out of the food in the gross- material world ; and that it will maintain such a body. But,, it remains to be explained why this Subtle Body, made up by the combination of eighteen elements, creates different bodies, such as, animals, birds, men etc. The elements of conscious- ness in the living world are called 'Purusa' by the Samkhyas, and according to them, though these 'Purusas' are in- numerable, yet, in as much as each Purusa is inherently apathetic and inactive, the responsibility of creating different bodies, such as, birds, beasts etc. cannot rest with the Purusa. According to Vedanta philosophy, these differences are said to arise as a result of the sinful or virtuous Actions performed during life. This subject-matter of Karma- Vipaka (the effects caused by Actions) will be dealt with later on. According to Samkhya philosophy, Karma cannot be looked upon as a third fundamental principle which is different from Spirit and Matter ; and in as much as Spirit is apathetic, one has to say that Karma (Action) is something evolved from the sattva, rajas, and tamas constituents of Matter. Reason is the most important element out of the eighteen of which the Subtle Body is made up ; because, it is from Reason that the subsequent seventeen elements, namely, Individuation, etc. come into existence. Therefore, that which goes under the name of 'Karma' in Vedanta philosophy is referred to in Samkhya philosophy as the activity, property, or manifestation of Reason resulting from the varying intensity of the sattva, rajas and tamas constituents. This property or propensity of Reason is technically called 'Bhava', and innumerable Bhavas come into existence as a result of the varying intensity of the sattva, rajas and tamas constituents. These Bhavas adhere to the Subtle Body in the same way as scent adheres to a flower or colour to cloth[1]. The Subtle Body takes up new births according to these Bhavas, or — in Vedantic terminology — according to Karma ; and the elements, which are drawn by the Subtle Body from the bodies of the parents in taking these various births, later on acquire various other Bhavas.


References And Context

  1. (Sam. Ka. 40)

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