Gita Rahasya -Tilak 190

Gita Rahasya -Tilak


Therefore, the Gita has added the eighth element, namely, Mind, to the seven, namely Mahan, Ahamkara, and the five Fine Elements, and has stated that the inferior form of the Paramesvara is of eight kinds (Gl. 7. 5). But, the ten organs are included in the Mind, and the five primordial elements are included in the five Fine Elements. Therefore, although the classification of the Gita, may seem different from both the Samkhya and the Vedantic classifi- cation, the total number of the elements is not, on that account, either increased or decreased. The elements are everywhere twenty-five. Yet, in order that confusion should not arise as a result of this' difference in classification, I have shown below these three methods of classification in the form of a tabular statement. In the thirteenth chapter of the Gita (13. 5), the twenty-five elements of the Samkhyas are enumerated one by one, just as they are, without troubling to classify them; and that shows that though the classification may be different, the total number of the elements is every- where the same :- I have thus concluded the description of how the homo- geneous, inorganic, imperceptible, and gross Matter, which was fundamentally equable, acquires organic heterogeneity as a result of Individuation after it has become inspired by the non-self-perceptible 'Desire' (buddhi) of creating the \!;ible universe, and also how, later on, as a result of the principle of the Development of Constituents (gunaparinama), namely

that, "'Qualities spring out of qualities " ( guna gunesu jayante}, the eleven sattvika subtle elements, which are the fundamental elements of the organic world come into existence on the one hand, and the five subtle Fine Elements ( tanmatras ), which are the fundamental elements of the tamasa world come into existence on the other hand. I must now explain in what order the subsequent creation, namely, the five gross primordial elements, or the other gross material substances which spring from them, have come into existence. Samkhya philosophy only tells us that the five gross primordial elements or Visesas have come out of the five Fine Elements, as a result of guya- parinama. But, as this matter has been more fully dealt with in Vedanta philosophy, I shall also, as the occasion has arisen, deal with that subject-matter, but after warning my readers that this is part of Vedanta philosophy and not of Samkhya philosophy. Gross earth, water, brilliance, air and the ether are calhd the five primordial elements or Visesas. Their order of creation has been thus described in the Taittirtyopaaisad :-“atmanah akasah sambhutah I akasad vayuh I vayor agnih anger apah adbhyah prthivi prthivya osadhayah I etc. [1].


References And Context

  1. (Tai. U. 2. 1)

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