Gyaneshwari 128

Gyaneshwari -Sant Gyaneshwar



6. But renunciation O Arjuna, is difficult to attain without Yoga. The sage absorbed in Yoga attains to Brahman without delay. O Partha, he who, following the path of Yoga, ascends the mountain of liberation, reaches speedily the peak of the highest bliss. But he, who discards Yoga and longs in vain for salvation, never reaches the state of renunciation.

7. He, who is engaged in selfless work and is pure in mind, who has his body and mind under control, and whose Self is the Self of all beings, is not tainted by actions, although he works. He has withdrawn his mind from delusion and after cleaning his mind by the instruction of his teacher, has fixed it on the Self. So long as salt does not fall into the sea, it seems different, but becomes like sea when it is united with it (31-35).

In the same way when his mind, rid of desire, becomes one with the Self, then although it is confined to one spot (i.e. the body), it pervades the three worlds. Then all such notions that I am the agent and must perform this particular work naturally cease, and though he performs actions, he is not their doer.
