Gita Madhurya -Ramsukhdas 98

Gita Madhurya -Swami Ramsukhdas

Chapter XI


You are Vayu (Wind-god), Yama (god of death), Agni (Fire-god). Varuna (the deity of waters), Prajapati (the creator of the universe), Moon-god, and the fattier of Brahma himself. Therefore, salutation, salutation to You. a thousand times and again and again salutation to You. Salutation to You from before and from behind and from all sides. You are infinite in might and immeasurable in strength. You pervade the entire universe and therefore You are all.(39-40)

O Lord, ignorant of Your greatness and reality, thinking You only a friend, whatever I have rashly said from heedlessness or love addressing You as 'O Krsna. O Yadava, O Friend and in whatever way I have insulted You in jest while playing, reposing in bed, sitting or dining either alone or in company of friends and family, I implore you to forgive me.(41-42)

You are the father of the animate and inanimate creation, You are worthy of adoration, You are the greatest Teacher of teachers. O Possessor of incomparable glory. in all the three worlds there is no one else equal to You; who then can excel You? Therefore, O Lord bowing down, prostrating my body, I seek to propitiate You. It behoves You to condone my fault as a father condones the fault of his son. as a friend that of his friend and loving husband that of his beloved wife.(43-44)

O.K. brother, what more do you want now?

I rejoice having seen Your wondrous form which was never seen before: at the same time my mind is tormented by fear. O Lord of the gods, O Abode of the universe, I pray to You to be pleased and reveal to me that Divine Form, the Form of Lord Visnu with four arms, adorned with a diadem on the head and holding a mace, a discus, a conch and a lotus in Your hands.(45-46)


References and Context