Gita Madhurya -Ramsukhdas 94

Gita Madhurya -Swami Ramsukhdas

Chapter XI


What was the effect of that sight on Arjuna, O Sanjaya?

Arjuna, struck with amazement, his hair standing on end; bowing his head to the Divine Lord in adoration, with joined palms, spoke.(14)

What did Arjuna speak, Sanjaya?

Arjuna said—O Lord, I behold in Your body all the gods and multitudes of different beings, Brahma seated on his lotus-scat, Lord Siva on Kailasa, all Rsis (Sages) and celestial serpents. (15)

O Universal Form, O Lord of the universes, I behold You, infinite with forms on all sides with numerous arms, bellies, faces and eyes, I see neither Your beginning nor middle or end. I see You with diadem, club and discus (Cakra), a mass of splendour shining all around, hard to look at. all round dazzling like that of blazing fire and Sun and immeasurable on all sides.(16-17)

O Lord, You are the Imperishable, the Supreme Being to be realized; You are the Ultimate Resort of this universe. You are the Imperishable Guardian of eternal Dharma (Duty and Righteousness) this is my conviction.(18)

Is it your conviction only or do you also see, O Arjuna?

I see You without beginning, middle and end, infinite in power, with numberless arms, the Sun and the moon being Your eyes, the burning fire Your mouth and You are scorching this universe with your radiance.(19)


References and Context