Gita Madhurya -Ramsukhdas 57

Gita Madhurya -Swami Ramsukhdas

Chapter VI


What will be the result of this state?

Keeping himself ever steadfast in this state, the Yogi of subdued mind attains the lasting peace which consists of supreme bliss, which abides in Me.(15)

Several persons practise meditation. But why is the Yoga not possible for all of them?

O Arjuna, this Yoga is not possible for him who eats too much, nor for him who does not eat at all; nor for him who sleeps too much, nor for him who is ceaselessly awake.(16)

Then who accomplishes this Yoga?

This Yoga is accomplished only by him who is moderate in eating and recreation, temperate in actions. and regulated in sleeping and waking. This Yoga is the destroyer of miseries.(17)

When is one said to be established in this Yoga which is the destroyer of miseries?

When the mind, brought under complete control rests in the self alone, and the person has disinclination for all objects without having the least desire for the worldly things, then he is said to be established in Yoga, viz., his Yoga is accomplished.(18)

What is the state of mind then?

'As a lamp in a windless place does not flicker'—this is the simile used for the disciplined mind of a Yoga who practises meditation.(19)


References and Context