Gita Madhurya -Ramsukhdas 32

Gita Madhurya -Swami Ramsukhdas

Chapter III


O Lord, You have mentioned the ordinance of Brahma pertaining to duty. that do You say in this connection?

I want to say in this connection that it is very necessary to perform duty to follow the wheel of creation, because all beings are evolved from food; food is produced from rain; rain ensues from sacrifice (Yajna) (duty) and sacrifice is born of action without any interested motive.

The Vedas mention the method for the performance of duty and the Vedas proceed from the Imperishable (God); so the Imperishable pervades the sacrifice (Duty). It means that Ile can be realized by discharging one's duty. So it is very necessary for human beings to discharge their duty.(14-15)

What happens if one does not discharge one's duty in order to safeguard the wheel of creation?

He, who does not discharge his duty in order to safeguard the wheel of creation, such a voluptuous and sinful man lives in vain viz., it is better, if he dies.(16)

And what happens, if he performs his duty according to your ordinance in order to safeguard the wheel of creation?

Such a man takes delight in the self, is gratified with the self and is contented in the self and for him there is no obligatory duty. For him there is no object to achieve either by the performance of an action in this world; or to loss by the non-performance of an action; nor has he selfish dependence of any kind on anybody.(17-18)

Can I also become such a man?


References and Context