Gita Madhurya -Ramsukhdas 26

Gita Madhurya -Swami Ramsukhdas

Chapter II


What is the result of placidity of mind?

With placidity of mind, all his sorrows come to an end; and the intellect of such a person of tranquil mind soon becomes firmly established in God.(65)

Whose intellect is not firmly established?

lie who has not controlled his mind and senses can have no determinate intellect. Without determinate intellect he can't think that he has to do his duty. Such a man can have no peace; and how can there be happiness for one lacking peace?(66)

The intellect of the man, who is pleasure seeking (voluptuary) can't be stable. But why the intellect of a striver, who follows spiritual discipline, is not stable?

As the wind carries away a barge on the waters even so of the wandering senses, the one to which the mind is joined, takes away his discrimination.(67)

Whose intellect is stable?

O mighty-armed, he whose senses are completely restrained from their objects is stable in intellect.(68)

What is the difference between an ordinary man whose senses are uncontrolled, and a seer whose senses are under control?

That which is night to all beings, in that state (of Divine Knowledge and Supreme Bliss) the God-realized seer keeps awake; that (the ever changing transient worldly happiness of pleasures and prosperity) in which all beings keep awake, is night to the seer.(69)


References and Context