Gita Madhurya -Ramsukhdas 153

Gita Madhurya -Swami Ramsukhdas

Chapter XVIII


Arjuna said—O mighty-armed, O slayer of Kesi! I desire to know separately the true nature of Samnyasa (Sankhyayoga) and of Tyaga (Karmayoga).(1)

Sri Bhagvan said—There are four opinions of the men of wisdom about 'Samnyasa' and 'Tyaga'.

O Lord, what are those opinions?

1. Some men of wisdom understand 'Sam ny sa' as the renunciation of actions, which are prompted by desire,

2. Other wisemen define 'Tyaga' as the abandonment of the fruits of all actions,

3. Some sages declare that all actions should be relinquished as evil, while

4. Others say that acts of sacrifice, gift and austerity should not be renounced.(2-3)


References and Context