Garga Samhita 96

Garga Samhita

Canto One : Chapter Three

Description of the Lord's Appearance


Text 16

yogeshvarah kila vadanti mahah param tvam
tatraiva satvatatamah krita-vigraham ca
asmabhir adya viditam padayor dvayam te
tasmai namo 'stu mahasam pataye parasmai[1]

The masters of yoga say You are the Brahman effulgence, and the great devotees say You have a form. Today we understand Your feet. Obeisances to You, the master of the Brahman effulgence.



  1. yogeshvarah- the masters of yoga; kila- indeed; vadanti- say; mahah- effulgence; param- supreme; tvam-You; tatra- there; eva- indeed; satvatatamah- the devotees; krita- done; vigraham- form; ca-also; asmabhir- by us; adya- today; viditam- known; padayor- of the feet; dvayam- pair; te- to You; tasmai- Him; namo- obeisances; astu- may be; mahasam- of the effulgence; pataye- the master; parasmai- to the Supreme.

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