Bhagavadgita -Radhakrishnan 82

The Bhagavadgita -S. Radhakrishnan

Samkhya Theory and Yoga Practice

8. na hi prapasyami mama 'panudyad
yac chokam ucchosanam indriyamtam
avapya bhumav asapatnam rddham
rajyam t suranam api ca 'dhipatyam

(8) I do not see what will drive away this sorrow which dries up my senses even if I should attain rich and unrivalled kingdom on earth or even the sovereignty of the gods.The conflict in Arjuna must be healed. He must attain to a new, integral, comprehensive consciousness.
samjaya uvaca

9. evam uktva hrsikesam
gudakesah, paramitapah, na
yotsya iti govindam
uktva tusnim babhuva ha
Samjaya said :

(9) Having thus addressed Hrisikesa (Krsna), the mighty GudakeSa (Arjuna) said to Govinda (Krsna) "I will not fight" and became yotsye: "I will not fight." Arjuna, without waiting for the advice of the teacher, seems to have made up his mind. While he asks the teacher to advise him, his mind is not open. The task of the teacher becomes more difficult.
govinda. The omniscience of the teacher is indicated by this word. Madhusudana [1] tusnim babhuva • became silent. The voice of truth can be heard only in silence.

10. tam uvaca hrsikesah
prahasann iva bharata
senayor ubhayor madhy
visidantam idam vaeah

(10) To him thus depressed in the midst of the two armies, 0 Bharata (Dhrtarastra), Hrisike a (Krsna), smiling as it were, spoke this word.In that moment of depression, the sinking heart of Arjuna heard the Divine voice of Krsna. The smile indicates that he saw through Arjuna's attempt at rationalization or what is now known as wishful thinking. The attitude of the saviour God who knows all the sins and sorrows of suffering humanity is one of tender pity and wistful understanding.

The Distinction between Self and Body: We should not grieve for what is Imperishable
sribhagavan uvaca
11. asocyan anvasocas tvam
prajnavadam ca bhasase
gatasun n agatasums ca
nay 'nugocanti pandits
The Blessed Lord said :
(11) Thou grieves for those whom thou should not grieve for, and yet thou speaker words about wisdom is men do not grieve for the dead or for the living The Kashmir version has "tho dos not speak as an intelligent man" : "pratavant na abhibhasase. [2] govinda. The teacher explains in brief in verses 11—38 the wisdom of the Samkhya philosophy. The Samkhya does not refer to Kapila's system but to the teaching of the Upanisads.


References and Context

  1. gam vedalaksanam vanim vindatiti vyutpattya sarvavedopadanatvena sarvajnam
  2. Cp Platens : "Murders, death ln all its shapes, the capture and sacking of towns, all must be considered as so much stage-show, so many shifting of scenes, the horror and outcry ot a play, for here too, in all the changing doom of life, it is not the true man, the inner soul that grieves and laments but merely the phantasm of the man, the outer man, playing his part on the boards of the world "Lnneads, III, 2, 15.---E T