Bhagavadgita -Radhakrishnan 149

The Bhagavadgita -S. Radhakrishnan

True Renunciation

19. Ihai 'va tapir jitah sargo
yesam same sthitam mynah
nirdosam. hi samam brahma
tasmãd brahmani te sthitãh
(19) Even here (on earth) the created (world) is overcome by those whose mind is established in equality God is flawless and the same in all. Therefore are these (persons) established in God.
See Chãndogya Up., II, 23. I.
The state of liberation is one which we can attain here on earth.

20. na prahrsyet priyam prapya
no 'dvijet prapya ca 'priyam
sthirabuddhir asarnmudho
brahmavid brahmai sthitah
(20) One should not rejoice on obtaining what is pleasant nor sorrow on obtaining what is unpleasant He who is (thus) firm of understanding and unbewildered, (such a) knower of God is established in God.
brahmani sthitah: established in God. He gets at It, reaches It, enters into It and is fairly established in It.

21. bahyasparesv asaktatmei
vindaty atmani yat sukham
sa brahmayogayuktatma
sukham aksayarn minute
(21) When the soul is no longer attached to external contacts (objects) one finds the happiness that is in the Self. Such a one who is self-controlled in Yoga on God (Brahma) enjoys undying bliss.
He, who has freed himself from the phantoms of the senses an lives in the Eternal, enjoys the bliss divine.[1]

22 ye hi samsparsaja bhog
duikhayonayci eva te
adyantavantai kaunteya na
lesu ramate budhah
(22) Whatever pleasures are born of contacts (with objects) are only sources of sorrow, they have a beginning and an end, 0 Son of Kunti (Arjuna), no wise man delights in them.
See II, 14n.[2]


References and Context

  1. Cp. Brother Lawrence: "I know, that, for the right practice of It, the heart must be empty of all else ; because God wills to possess the heart alone; and as He cannot possess It alone unless It is empty of all else, so He cannot work in It what He would unless It be left vacant for Him " The Practice of the Presence of God.
  2. Cp. Bhagavata sukhasydnantaram duhkhan duhkhasyanantararm sukham cakravat parivarttete sukhaduhhhe mrantaram.