Bhagavadgita -Radhakrishnan 111

The Bhagavadgita -S. Radhakrishnan

Karma Yoga or the Method of Work

9. yajnarthat karmano 'nyatra loko 'yam karmabandhanan
tad artham karma kaunteya muktasaigah samãcara
(9) Save work done as and for a sacrifice this world is in bondage to work. Therefore, 0 son of Kuntl (Arjuna), do thy work as a sacrifice, becoming free from all attachment.
S. equates yajna with Visnu
R. interprets it literally as sacrifice.
All work is to be done in a spirit of sacrifice, for the sake of the Divine. Admitting the Mimamsa demand that we should perform action for the purpose of sacrifices, the Gita asks us to do such action without entertaining any hope of reward. In such cases the inevitable action has no binding power. Sacrifice itself is interpreted in a larger sense. We have to sacrifice the lower mind to the higher. The religious duty towards the Vedic gods here becomes service of creation in the name of the Supreme.

10. sahayajnah rajah srstva puro 'veca prajapatih
anena prasavisyadhvam esa vo 'stv istakamadhuk
(10) In ancient days the Lord of creatures created men along with sacrifice and said, "By this shall ye bring forth and this shall be unto you that which will yield the milk of your desires "
Kamadhuk is the mythical cow of Indra from which one can get all one desires. By doing one's allotted duty one can be saved.

11. devan bhavayata 'nena te deva bhavayantu vah
parasparam bhavayantah sreyah parar avapsyatha
(11) By this foster ye the gods and let the gods foster you; thus fostering each other you shall attain to the supreme good.
See M.B., Santiparva, 340, 59-62, where the mutual dependence of gods and men is described in similar terms.

12. stena Mogan hi von devan dasyante yajnabhavita
tair dattan aaradayai 'bhyo yo bhunkte sterna eva sash
(12) Fostered by sacrifice the gods will give you the enjoyments you desire. He who enjoys these gifts without giving to them in return is verily a thief.


References and Context