Bhagavadgita -Radhakrishnan 103

The Bhagavadgita -S. Radhakrishnan

Samkhya Theory and Yoga Practice

62. dhyayato visayan pumsah sangas tesu ' pajayate
sangat samjayate Kaman kãmdt krodho bhijayate
(62) When a man dwells in his mind on the objects of sense, attachment to them is produced. From attachment springs desire and from desire comes anger.
kama: desire. Desires may prove to be as resistless as the most powerful external forces. They may lift us into glory or hurl us into disgrace.
63 krodhad bhavati sammohali samsnohat smytivrbhraniah
smrtibhramsad buddhinago buddhnnasa pranasyati
(63) From anger arises bewilderment, from bewilderment loss of memory, and from loss of memory, the destruction of intelligence and from the destruction of intelligence he perishes buddhnnasa destruction of intelligence. It is failure to discriminate between right and wrong When the soul is overcome by passion, its memory is lost, its intelligence is obscured and the man is ruined. What is called for is not a forced isolation from the world or destruction of sense life but an inward withdrawal. To hate the senses is as wrong as to love them. The horses of senses are not to be unyoked from the chariot but controlled by the reins of the mind.
64. ragadvesaviyuktais tu visayan indriyais caran
atmavasyair vidheyatIna prasadam adhigacchati
(64) But a man of disciplined mind, who moves among the objects of sense, with the senses under control and free from attachment and aversion, he attains purity of spirit.
See V, 8. The sthitaprajna has no selfish aims or personal hopes. He is not disturbed by the touches of outward things. He accepts what happens without attachment or repulsion. He covets nothing, is jealous of none. He has no desires and makes no demands.[1]


References and Context

  1. Cp. with this the following description of disciplined seers orIsis.fact' vareta tapasyugro niyatccsi ca saanyami supanugrahayos sakath bhavedah bhaved rsih taponirdhutapapmanah yatha"tathyabhi vedavedangatattvajna rsayah parikirtatah