Bhagavad Gita -Sivananda 71

Bhagavad Gita -Swami Sivananda

Chapter-2 : SANKHYA YOGA

Summary of Second Discourse


Yadaa te mohakalilam buddhir vyatitarishyati;
Tadaa gantaasi nirvedam shrotavyasya shrutasya cha.

52. When thy intellect crosses beyond the mire of delusion, then thou shalt attain to
indifference as to what has been heard and what has yet to be heard.


The mire of delusion is identification of the Self with the body and mind.

Shrutivipratipannaa te yadaa sthaasyati nishchalaa;
Samaadhaavachalaa buddhistadaa yogam avaapsyasi.

53. When thy intellect, perplexed by what thou hast heard, shall stand immovable and
steady in the Self, then thou shalt attain Self-realisation.


References and Context