Bhagavad Gita -Sivananda 48

Bhagavad Gita -Swami Sivananda

Chapter-2 : SANKHYA YOGA

Summary of Second Discourse


Sri Bhagavaan Uvaacha

Ashochyaan anvashochastwam prajnaavaadaamshcha bhaashase;
Gataasoon agataasoomshcha naanushochanti panditaah.

The Blessed Lord said

11. Thou hast grieved for those that should not be grieved for, yet thou speakest words of
wisdom. The wise grieve neither for the living nor for the dead.

Na twevaaham jaatu naasam na twam neme janaadhipaah;
Na chaiva na bhavishyaamah sarve vayam atah param.

12. Nor at any time indeed was I not, nor these rulers of men, nor verily shall we ever cease
to be hereafter.


References and Context